Wednesday — Oct. 11th All right — Day 1 of the 2023 SBRA Bracket Finals is underway! Weather was perfect, temps in the 60’s with partly cloudy skies, great racing weather. At 9 am sharp we started with one time run for all four classes. In Pro with...
Sunday — Nov. 13th This was a Test & Tune event and a Quick 16 race that was rained out last weekend. Yes it was a chilly one, mostly cloudy, breezy and temps in the low 40’s greeted a nice turn out of race fans and 126 racers. We got underway with the...
Saturday — November 20th The Turkey race, the last of the racing for 2021. The Junior Dragsters kicked it off with 11 entries, they were the real diehards too. It was 24 degrees at 9 am when the first time runs were made. We gave them three time runs as the cold...
Saturday — Nov 21st This was a Test & Tune event along with a $1,000.00 to win no entry fee Gamblers Race. Just before we got underway we had a special match race with our track manager Jake Landes in his 650 hp supercharged Corvette against his dad Chris...
Saturday — Nov. 23rd We have to say the weather played into this weekend in a big way. When I arrived at the track at 9:30 am it was sunny, high 30’s and almost no wind but quickly that changed. As we got ready to kick things off with our Junior dragsters...
Saturday — Nov 10th 2018 End of 2018 Season Temps in the 30’s and high winds caused this day to be cancelled. Sunday — Veterans Day — Nov 11th Yes it was cold when arrived early in the morning, high 20’s but with bright sunshine and...